Saturday, May 22, 2010

If limes were made to blend with pineapples

Note to all my readers, Allow me to get sentimental for just this one post. Its nothing big, but I'll have to use this medium for just this once. You can carry on reading this. But I suggest you check out some of my other entries. Thank you :) 


" If a pineapple was translated to malay, Then this is to you "

Honestly , I always knew the month of May was gonna be the start of hell to me. There was always this feeling I had, knowing everyone will go on, and meet new friends, and change along the process. But that wasn't the reason why I thought May wasn't the month for me. For that one time, I thought, it was cause of a certain May, I thought, you will fall for real this time . 

We have talk about this, If we are ordering a drink, you would like Milo , and I would hate to order that too. I hated those moments thinking about it. But:

Similarities are the best, but opposites are the greatest. right? 

If you haven't been counting, it has been 3 weeks since we last talk like we used too, and by next week, completes a month, and May is what it is, a month I will dislike to remember. It is true thought, one once said:

" One often finds his destiny in the path to prevent it "

Since last year, we've been talking about this "Silence" thing, so we could talk normally again, without the bad feeling you had keep passing your mind. And honestly, I did, tried to prevent that, I never did want the days of silence to begin. Cause I never wished for a day not talking with you. And look at where we are now? 

I know its nothing. We both know its nothing much. This happens, to help us both see, how it was before July and August, before the debates , before that evening we talk in the school plaza, before 2010~

But, I can't help but wonder, for example's, the birthday hangout I always wanted? and movies, Toy Story 3? Things will changed. And I foolishly tried to prevent them happening. I promise, things will change, cause even  I would not want to live in the past, at least not this one.

As humans, I believe now, 

 " Its not in our power to control our future "

For now, I wish you the best of luck, furthering your studies wherever you are, you are special and some guys will take advantage of that, ignore them. Take care of yourself. Meet you again sometime soon :)

Farewell  , Ja~ ^^Y


btw, the picture of the kitten doesn't imply this post was about it, 
I thot it a was sweet and cute picture
just like our memories